
December 2023

In December 2023, for the first time in 300 years, the building of the former imperial educational home, the house on the embankment, was moved in St. Petersburg. Black River No. 1. The house is an architectural monument, so its demolition is impossible....

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Relocation of production facilities

Most factories are not oriented towards relocation, during the design, productivity is primarily taken into account so that production works as efficiently as possible and is less idle. However, given the growth of cities and the expansion of residential areas, it is no longer uncommon for a factory with its workshops and equipment to be moved outside the city limits....

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Loading and unloading of industrial equipment

Moving large-sized equipment requires the use of special equipment, which will be required for dismantling, transportation and installation in a new location. Industrial machines and other devices used in factories require careful handling, since expensive devices can fail if they are transported or disassembled incorrectly....

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Moving and installing production lines

Сборка оборудования на объекте требует комплексного подхода, заключающегося в выполнении целого спектра различных работ, необходимых, чтобы обеспечить правильное и бесперебойное функционирование системы....

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